Social Impact Measurement Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs” is a two-year long, transnational project that is financed by the European Union within the “Erasmus +” Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
Although it has been attracting a considerable global attention during the last decades, social entrepreneurship is still a relatively new concept in Turkey and Estonia. In the face of increasing economic, social and environmental pressures it could be rightfully argued that social entrepreneurship should be on the agenda of both non-governmental and business organizations. Today we have a sufficient evidence to believe that social entrepreneurship can develop systemic solutions to many problems around the world and even overcome the negative impacts of crises.“Know your impact. Social Impact Measurement Tools for Young Social Entrepreneurs” is 2-year project that aims to improve the capacity of young social entrepreneurs and raise their awareness on social impact analysis.
Most of the social entrepreneurs are young; being young, these young social entrepreneurs are not able to measure their social impact, resulting loss of reputation and reliability of social entrepreneurship. Young social entrepreneurs have difficulties to track their social impact; cannot perceive their intended and unintended positive effect, use resources ineffectively and create less public benefit.
In addition, the problem of ineffective communication of their social impact with different stakeholders causes less public support and less funding which put social entrepreneurs under the risk of less recognition in public sphere and not being able to sustain their social businesses. In order to improve the capacity of the young social entrepreneurs, there is a need to increase their awareness, skills, access to knowledge, resources and coaching on social impact analysis.Overall objective of this project is strengthening social entrepreneurship as a sustainable and reliable model to solve social problems. Our specific objective is equipping social entrepreneurs to become more impactful through improving their capacity on social impact analysis. Our strategy is to create an awareness among social entrepreneurs and eco-system developers, to increase access to knowledge by developing materials in native languages, and to increase skills of social entrepreneurs by providing training and coaching program.
Project is being implemented by Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) together with Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting, Estonian Social Enterprise Network (SEV) and Social Value UK (SVUK).
Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein